Visual designer & researcher in visual communication

Kevin McPhee

Lifelong timeline in a digital format

Visual Design         Designer  /  UX & UI 

Kevin McPhee needed to create a website highlighting his career highlights while also showing off his creative vision. Drawing inspiration from classic design works, our goal was to create an interactive timeline that was also responsive.

Analyzing Kevin’s design layouts for print and industrial projects provided insights into his approach to visual storytelling. We interpreted Kevin’s perceptions of light, shape, and texture, translating them into design elements that infused the website with his distinctive visual language. From the totality of his work I was able to create surveys of a color scheme and see coonsistencies in how he views light, shape, texture, and composition. These became the foundation and the building blocks for the design that created the disticntive visual language.

In our exploration, we embraced the challenge of incorporating interactive elements into the website, pushing the boundaries of technological innovation while enhancing the user experience. Additionally, we empowered Kevin to curate and update his portfolio effortlessly by designing the website to be fully editable and manageable. This process required meticulous attention to detail and a deep appreciation for design and art theory, ensuring that every aspect of the website reflected Kevin's creative vision and personality. In essence, the website stands as a testament to Kevin’s talent, creativity, and the careful consideration of design principles, offering visitors an immersive and inspiring digital experience.

An example of a mood board created from a range of Kevin’s works. 

Visual aid demonstrating the common colors and their usage.

Color Study — Survey of colors commonly used through decades of work.

Layout Study — Explorations of possible layouts that use patterns common in the body of works.



Kevin McPhee

Visual Designer                         Ted Folstad

Mapping & Wireframe        
 Ted Folstad

Art direction Exploration    
Ted Folstad  

Creative Director                    
Kevin McPhee  

Claudio Sararu