Visual designer & researcher in visual communication

Lang Antiques

Vintage jewelry website redesign

Visual Design         Designer   /  UX Research  /  UX Audit & Design

Lang Antique and Estate Jewelry is a landmark jewelry company based in San Francisco California. They specialize in Victorian, Art Nouveau, Edwardian, Art Deco, Retro, and mid-C20th periods. The inventory is vast, constantly evolving, and needed to showcase the specialty of each item. The customers range from first-time buyers to experienced collectors. A series of user tests, heat maps, and analytical surveys were conducted on a variety of user groups that all reflected the current and future shoppers. This led the redesign to accommodate an addition of new landing pages along with a full reorganization of the product detail, product listings, and home page. The design was inspired by the newly acquired influencer attention Lang had begun receiving. A balance between lifestyle images and heavily detailed products is able to better showcase the unique products while also giving a personal feel to the catalog.